




RestoreMyComputer Overview

RestoreMyComputer can restore your computer to a previous state undoing damage to windows settings, mallware and even viruses.

What Does RestoreMyComputer Do?

RestoreMyComputer uses the Windows© created restore points. These are made when software is installed or windows upgrades are applied.

What's So Special About RestoreMyComputer?

The Windows inbuilt resore facility is hard to find and navigate.

How Does RestoreMyComputer Make it Easier to Restore Your Computer?

RestoreMyComputer helps you by immediatelly listing all the available restore points along with the time since they were taken.

The user then only has to select a suitable Restore Point and start the restore.

In the event that the Restore Point chosen is not far enough in the past, the user can return to the original restore point or select a new one by simply using RestoreMyComputer again.

See also:

Getting Started

Definitions of RestoreMyComputer Actions

Preview a RestoreMyComputer Run

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